"chanel j12 Las Vegas version of design inspiration for the game overRoulette to the number of red, black and color 2 interval as the location of the Green Grid. Diameter: 41 mm chanel ceramic j12 watches jewelry is limited to a total of 18 trapezoidal rubies cut, Carat total weight 3.27 18 trapezoid cutting ferroustech precision ceramic and other in 12 hours at the top of the Emerald inlaid drilling. In the table should be limited in the United States, Las Vegas, Atlantic City, Las Vegas and Macau Asia exhibits, a special appearance on Taiwan.
At Baselworld 2010, an internationally renowned watchmaker Chanel produced fascinating coco chanel watches. Inspired by the blue sea, this indicates the time new very strong personality. Equipped with all the features of professional diving, J12 marine watch successfully conquer new territories of depth. It is at depths of up to 300 metres.
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